Do not let fear of failing stop you from taking action, just go ahead and make mistakes.

Since we’re little, we’re often encouraged to fear failure. Failing is the worst thing you can do, as it disappoints your folks or teachers, or other people who matter in your life. This often makes us believe that it is wrong to mess up. But this kind of thinking will lead you to mental anguish in the years to come.

People are fear or afraid of failing

Which stops them from taking challenges and improving their skills and taking new risks. They’re clung to what they know rather than attempting to learn or try anything new.

Mistakes are often our greatest resource for learning.

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They reveal where it needs improvement and what we know still. A flawless test may feel great, but it also signifies that the material was too easy for us. When things get us down, we’re put in the position to address the problem and learn from our mistakes. When we don’t make mistakes, we can feel like we are held in place and repeating everything we do because we already know how to do it.

Going through difficult times is the very first step

Going through difficult times is the very first step, so we must learn to let ourselves fail. The most self-defeating error often seems significant, so after we have our permission, we need to start making mistakes.

Going through difficult times is the very first step You don’t want to end up going there. But allow yourself to trust someone and to let something small pass unnoticed. Make a misstep and see what it feels like.

You might feel that the world is crumbling at first, but as you consider it, you will find that nothing terrible happened. If it did, you would easily have been able to handle it. No one came to criticize you. The sky didn’t fall.

This is a valuable lesson because it lets you learn that failure is not completely terrible. This lowers your the perception of the cost of failing. It will help you in complex situations where you make a mistake inadvertently.

Sometimes, it still takes time to absorb the blow, but following that, you can further examine what went wrong and try to take the information you gained to do it better. Then you can attempt again, try another way, or attempt again.


In conclusion, it is important to remember that failure should not be seen as a negative thing, but rather an opportunity to grow and learn. It is in our mistakes that we can find the greatest lessons and discover what we are really capable of achieving. We must strive to take risks, embrace change, and trust in our own capabilities. Taking the time to reflect on our successes and failures will help us build resilience, giving us the courage to push ourselves further.

Source: Kobe Bryant – FEAR of FAILURE – Motivational Video Youtube

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